Innovation in Sairme: The Regional Advantage

Lasha Gorgoshidze
4 min readApr 10, 2024


Something epic went down in the wild world of startups, where the cool kids of innovation hang out. Picture this: a private company throwing shade on the notion that all the startup magic only happens in the big city. Nope, not this time.

They rocked the scene in Sairme, and let me tell you, it was anything but your typical corporate snoozefest. We’re talking about an event that’s not just about suits and ties but about fostering the next big thing. Forget the city lights; this was about amplifying startup vibes where you least expect it.

So, why ditch the capital for the regions? Well, my friend, it’s the secret sauce to give startups a low-key kickstart. Let’s dive into this story where Georgia wasn’t just on our minds; it was where the cool cats of innovation threw down.

Expanding innovation beyond the city limits is crucial for Georgia’s startup ecosystem. It brings diversity and untapped potential into the mix, enriching our entire startup scene.

Alright, buckle up because the inside scoop on this Georgia startup soirée is about to get even cooler. Imagine being not just a fly on the wall but a judge at the event, with the daunting task of picking winners from a pool of 15 standout startups. Yup, that was my gig — me and three other cool cats had the unenviable job of deciding which lucky seven were about to skyrocket to startup stardom. One of many benefits I get as a CEO of Startup Georgia.

But hold up, the event wasn’t just a one-night wonder. It was part of a grander scheme, a startup shindig that wasn’t satisfied with just high-fives and handshakes.

We’re talking about Future Laboratory, the heavyweight Georgian accelerator that’s all about cranking startups up a notch. They’re not just throwing around the term “acceleration” lightly; they’re in the business of prepping these startups for the grandest stage of them all — the demo day.

After the pitch fest and the subsequent acceleration phase, two winners were announced whose startups got the golden ticket — a funding boost from the Baghdati Development Fund.

Winners of the first stage

Now, let’s talk venue — Sarime Hotels & Resorts. Imagine an event that’s not just a showcase of innovation but a downright experience. Sarime set the stage, literally, for a night that felt like a startup festival, complete with networking that went way beyond your standard business card swap. Trust me, amazing doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Behind the curtain of this startup spectacle was Tegeta Motors, the brains behind the operation. Their brainchild, this whole shebang, is a masterclass in how the private sector can throw its weight behind the startup scene. Forget about suits just writing checks; Tegeta Motors is proof that real involvement can kickstart something special.

Temur Kokhodze awarding winners

But wait, there’s more. The real MVP in this game is the Baghdati Development Fund. These folks weren’t just playing the supporting role; they were the backbone, providing not just the opportunity but the moolah too. It’s like they took a page from the startup handbook, focusing on a knowledge-based economy. Now that’s the kind of regional focus that’s a game-changer

When we zoom in on the involvement of the private sector, exemplified by Tegeta Motors and the Baghdati Development Fund, a deeper narrative unfolds. This isn’t just about financial support; it’s about fostering a culture of innovation through strategic partnerships. Such collaborations provide startups with not just capital, but also mentorship, resources, and a network of connections that are crucial for scaling new heights.

This synergy between private ambitions and public goals creates a more resilient and diverse startup ecosystem. It’s a testament to how the private sector’s active participation can catalyze growth beyond the confines of conventional incubation methods, embedding a more sustainable model of startup development that benefits not just individual companies, but the Georgian economy at large.

This event wasn’t just another networking opportunity; it underscored the importance of regional diversity and private sector involvement in fostering a vibrant, innovative startup ecosystem across Georgia. 🔥🚀

